What is website & web-servers

What is website & web-servers

Web server


3 min read

A web server is a computer that run website.it is a computer program that distribute web pages as they are requisitioned and when web client make request to web server. The web server receives the request and fined the resolution and returns the necessary required response to the client. When a server answers a request it usually sends some type of content to the client with a set of instruction written in HTML (Hypertext markup language) All browser know how to display HTML page to client.


A website is a collection of static files (webpages) such as HTML pages, image’s, graphics etc. Web application is a web site with dynamic functionality on sever.

What is Apache:-

Apache is an open-source web server software that operates various operating systems, including windows and UNIX. That means its software is free to use and edit, with developers continuously working to improve the project. These days apache is the most common web-server software that handles almost 70% of all available website in the today’s market.

How to create a web page:-

When we build some web page we need some text editor to build the website. A text editor is a software that help to programmer or developer write a code in proper manner it also provides multiple features when writing a code. Most important thing is saving a lots of time. The process to create a webpage. We can understand by some steps there is as follows 1 first we need to mention the doc type, that browser can understand the file type Example :- <! DOCUMENT html>, Due to the standard procedure to create a web page, first we need to mention the file type that means which programing language we used in the code. 2 then we have to provide the language type- Example :- ……. It shows that web page is whitened in English language 3 Then we find the it is also called metadata, all the information whitened in is not visible to the user is also carry the Tittle part of the page. 4 Now comes to the most important part is we can wright anything in the body of the program, we can use and employment multiple elements, attributes like headline (h1,h1,h3,) paragraph (P1,P2, etc ),Image , Adios ,video, lorem etc inside the body of the program and explore may more attributes to build a strong and professional website. 5 To end and run the program, we can run the website by using live sever or we can save directly open the program fine LOREM- Lorem mostly used feature when writing some webpage. In this we can just simply mention a number, that how many word we want to require to write a paragraph and it provide us default number of words that we mentioned, Example: We can simply use a code lorem100

then we will get 100 default word as a result. Image tag: by using image tag we can use any image in our website, we can use single or multiple image in the program, to use an image as per the standard procedure we required some source code and attributes, and we can also make change the size of the image by using image attributes

Example: <img src=”?”alt=”?” width=”?”hight=”?”>